24 Hour Bicorn Onkaji will save the earth?Starting from 10/19 (Thursday) 0:00!

?Connect the baton to the anchor?Tomorrow October 19th (Thursday) 24 hour Bicorn Full Throttle Marathon from 0:00am?

Who are the 1st model (runner) to the 4th model (runner)? ? Pay attention to the caption ??✨??✨??✨??✨
Thank you everyone for your continued patronage of Bicorn.
I’m Mateo, the manager of Bicorn.
Thank you everyone for waiting!
Bicorn Onkaji will be holding Save the Earth ? for 24 hours from 10:00 on Thursday, October 19th.
I’m going to do a 24 hour Bicorn full throttle marathon!
24 hours FEVER TIME???
relay method, 1 model 6 hours ✖ 4 models open to high settings !
Regarding the 1st model (runner) to the 4th model (runner), his hints are given in the subtitles on this site
, so please try to guess?The
store manager Mateo himself must have devised these easy-to-understand hints…
by all means! Please join us!
What is the content of 24 Hour Bicorn Onkaji Saves the Earth? ? Take a look below!
1 October 19th 0:00-24:00
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Please note that we will be closed for maintenance at the following times.
・October 18th 23:45-0:00
・October 19th 5:45-6:00
・October 19th 11:45-12:00
・October 19th 17:45-18:00
・10 Month 20th 0:00-0:05
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Thank you for your continued support of Bicorn.